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Lying Under Oath and DUI Defendants

Lying Under Oath and DUI Defendants

Perjury, or lying under oath, is a crime in Oklahoma and the rest of the United States. The strongest defense to perjury is that the statement made was actually the truth. Oklahoma defines perjury as follows: “Whoever, in a trial, hearing, investigation, deposition, certification or declaration, in which the making or subscribing of a statement is required or authorized by law, makes or subscribes a statement under oath, affirmation or other legally binding assertion that the statement is true, when in fact the witness or declarant does not believe that the statement is true or knows that it is not true...

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New Oklahoma Law Alters License Revocation Process, Makes Breath Test Refusal Illegal

New Oklahoma Law Alters License Revocation Process, Makes Breath Test Refusal Illegal

A sweeping new Oklahoma law will substantially affect the rights of drivers arrested on DUI charges. In early June, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed the law and then quickly issued an executive order that contradicts some of the law’s provisions. Now a lawsuit questions its constitutionality and critics warn of future problems for those charged with DUI. The new law, referred to as Senate Bill 643, makes three important changes to existing law. First, it will be illegal for drivers suspected of driving under the influence to refuse a breath test. Breath test refusal will be a misdemeanor, punishable by a...

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